Daily Nishino Breathing - Jusoku Methods Part 5 Tagen Jusoku: Multipule-element Energy Filling Tagen refers to all the cells in the body. Tagen Jusoku is a method that fills all cells with energy and capture the self. When one is able to perceive oneself, one is able to perceive one's surroundings correctly. When you practice Tagen Jusoku, your body becomes balanced and free, and you can feel that most of your body is liquid. Then, the whole body become Tanden, and energy flows out of the body, allowing the body to use its energy. Now, let's practice Tagen Jusoku! We will begin with Yongen Jusoku, Four-element Energy Filling, then proceed to Tagen Jusoku. And then we practice Junyo. Stand shoulder-width apart, parallel, and relax your knees. Fill the four locations of both hands and feet with energy. To the state of Yongen Jusoku With a long, thin breaths out through the mouth, fill the four locations with energy. Spread the energy of the four e...