Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.) Jusoku Methods Part 1 Ichigen-jusoku, Muhen and Henyo
Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.)
Program: Jūsoku Methods Part 1 : Ichigen- jūsoku, Muhen and Henyo
Jūsoku Methods 充足法
Ki filling exercises which sharpen the sensory capabilities of the body
“Jūsoku" means to be satiated with full of energy. You take a certain part of the body and fill it with life energy. You will be able to feel the higher state of the body that is cultivated in the Nishino Method. The life energy cultivated by the breathing fills the body to overflowing, and creates a relaxed Chūyū (宙遊:being suspended in the universe), the ideal physical condition, naturally.
Gen 元
In the Nishino Method, the words “concentration” or “point” are avoided. Instead, “filling”(充足) and “element”(元) are used. Element here contains the meaning, origin and beginning. That is, it is both “the part itself” and “the origin”. To draw awareness to a part of the body means to realize that the part is a component of the whole body, and furthermore, it is an element of the universe. The life energy that is cultivated by breathing fills the elements of the body.
Ichigen- jūsoku 一元充足 (one element filling exercise)
The first exercise is Ichigen-jūsoku. In this exercise, one sends one’s awareness to Tanden (the location on the lower abdomen three finger breadths, several centimeters, below and deep the naval) and feels Tanden as if it were the body as a whole. The important factor here is not to concentrate too intensively on the Tanden location. The moment one concentrates on the Tanden location specifically, that is, focusing attention on one point, the body many become tense and attention to the parts of the body is lost. The body must be perceived so that the parts are felt as the whole and the whole is felt as the parts.
Ichigen-jūsoku is used to affirm the foundation of the body (Tanden: one element). Only the Tanden(Ichigen: one source) should be filled with energy. Everything else is empty. Ichigen-jūsoku is a process of affirming the Tanden as a main reservoir of energy in the body. It is important not to see the Tanden as a fixed point. Flow Ki nourished by Sokushin Breathing into Ichigen, which leads to a state of fullness and contentment.
Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your Tanden
(You may sit on your heels).
Think of Ichigen as a kind of magma under the earth, magma that is seething with tremendous energy. While subtly feeling the dense, magma-like presence melting and boiling deep within the earth with your entire body, you send the Ki energy nourished by your breath into that one element. Then the one element is led to a state of fullness and sufficiency. It is effective when done with the whole body relaxed and breathing in, sometimes with Sokushin Breathing.
Send Ki-energy to Tanden (lower abdomen) by placing your hands, the body's sensors, on the tanden, leading to the state of Ichigen-Jusoku (one-source generator). The body becomes Ku (empty) except for the Tanden. Turn that empty head.
Henyo 辺遙
Henyo: Draw a figure eight horizontally with your chin. Draw a majestic figure eight in the distance with energy from Tanden.