Messages from Master Kozo Nishino (4) The only truth is that we are alive right now


From Headquarters #5 - Messages from Master Kozo Nishino (4) 

The only truth is that we are alive right now

Kozo Nishino

The only thing that is clear is that we are alive now.

This is the only truth.

Everything else is a world of illusions, except for the truth that you are alive and breathe. 

When you go into the coffin, you cannot take with you any of the things you have acquired in the world of illusion - your position in the company, your title, your property, your status, your honor, and so on.

It is only because you are alive that you can make your illusions bloom.

Your life is all that matters. The rest is the various dreams that accompany "life. In other words, the One (self) is everything (the world), and everything is the One.

In other words, "life" itself.

Dreams do not exist independently of themselves. It is only possible when there is a dreamer.

In order for the flower (illusion) to bloom, the root (the truth that you are alive) must be firmly put down.

The "Ki" is always present in things that will bloom someday.

A tree that blooms when it should bloom is the same as a tree that always blooms. Therefore, there is no need to be in a hurry. As long as you look at yourself and keep your roots strong, you will always know when it is time to bloom.

As long as you do not mistake illusion for truth, you will one day see a large flower of illusion bloom on the root of truth.

Nishino, Kozo. “「生命力」を育てる(Cultivating "Life Force".” Crest Ltd., 1997, pp.223-4
















「生命力」を育てる 西野皓三 クレスト社 1997 PP233-234



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