
10月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.) Jusoku Methods Part 1 Ichigen-jusoku, Muhen and Henyo

Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.) Program: Jūsoku Methods Part 1 : Ichigen- jūsoku, Muhen and Henyo Jūsoku Methods  充足法 Ki filling exercises which sharpen the sensory capabilities of the body “ Jūsoku" means to be satiated with full of energy. You take a certain part of the body and fill it with life energy. You will be able to feel the higher state of the body that is cultivated in the Nishino Method. The life energy cultivated by the breathing fills the body to overflowing, and creates a relaxed Chūyū ( 宙遊: being suspended in the universe), the ideal physical condition, naturally.  Gen  元 In the Nishino Method, the words “concentration” or “point” are avoided. Instead, “filling”( 充足 ) and “element” (元)  are used. Element here contains the meaning, origin and beginning. That is, it is both “the part itself” and “the origin”. To draw awareness to a part of the body means to realize that the part is a component of the whole body, and furthermore, it is an element of the univ...

Daily Nishino Breathing (6 min)

In Nishino Method breathing exercise, make sure you breathe in from your nose and breathe out from your mouth.  Preparation  1. Relaxing shoulders 2. Rotatin the head  Main breating exercise 1. Shinjun 2. Sangen-jusoku 3. Kain 4. Tenyu Preparatory Work Relaxing shoulders To relax your shoulders, release tension in the shoulders. Trace the center of your body with your fingers. Move your shoulders from back to front.   Move from Tanden Rotating the head Rotate your head from Tanden, Turn your headfeel the weight of the head. Main Breathing Training 1.     Shinjun (energy-infiltration) Now we start the main program. First, we start from Shinjun Shinjun is an energy-infiltration practice, intake energy from the top of your head, Hyakue. Raise one hand as if your hand is being pulled up by a string. Catch the energy from the universe by the hand. Your hand is a highly advanced sensor. From your hand to the top of the head, Hyaku...

The Nishino Method Basic Concepts and Terminology

  The Nishino Method- Deep Breathing Exercises Basic Concepts and Terminology These are essential concepts and terms you need to understand in order to master the Nishino Method breathing exercises. Karin  華輪 Relax your body with preparatory exercise Karin.  Swing from left to right and count this as one swing. Swing about 20 times each in the middle (normal swings), upper (shoulder-slapping swings), and lower (looking-at-heal swings) rows. Swing your body smoothly. Your shoulders and arms are fully relaxed, and the body is rotated with energy from the Tanden, with the spine as the axis. Do not move the feet and do not lift the heels. Loosen the knees. The arms cling to the body with a natural elasticity like a whip.   Breathe naturally. Karin Video Sokushin Breathing 足芯呼吸 Inhale from the Sokushin (soles of the feet). In fact, inhale through the nose, but do it with the awareness of inhaling through the Sokushin. The breath goes up both legs, through the knees and thig...