Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.) Jusoku Methods Part 1 Ichigen-jusoku, Muhen and Henyo
Daily Nishino Exercise (4 min.) Program: Jūsoku Methods Part 1 : Ichigen- jūsoku, Muhen and Henyo Jūsoku Methods 充足法 Ki filling exercises which sharpen the sensory capabilities of the body “ Jūsoku" means to be satiated with full of energy. You take a certain part of the body and fill it with life energy. You will be able to feel the higher state of the body that is cultivated in the Nishino Method. The life energy cultivated by the breathing fills the body to overflowing, and creates a relaxed Chūyū ( 宙遊: being suspended in the universe), the ideal physical condition, naturally. Gen 元 In the Nishino Method, the words “concentration” or “point” are avoided. Instead, “filling”( 充足 ) and “element” (元) are used. Element here contains the meaning, origin and beginning. That is, it is both “the part itself” and “the origin”. To draw awareness to a part of the body means to realize that the part is a component of the whole body, and furthermore, it is an element of the univ...